Monday, May 30, 2011

Going home!

Audrey makes the trek home today to meet both Grandmas and be introduced to pets. I have to give the hospital staff here at Methodist Hospital a shout out. The nurses have been especially wonderful. Tracey and I joked around that besides our picturesque view of the third floor parking ramp, this stay has really felt like a B&B weekend... with an 'challenging race' to kick it all off.

While here the hospital took these baby pictures for us. If you'd like any of these, or to see more, just throw a comment below and I'll email them to you. (we bought the rights to the whole lot).

As I look over these pics and the last few days, a quote from a Mary Oliver poem seems wonderfully appropriate. 

"What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?"


  1. I, for one, cannot get enough of these photos and would love MORE! They are wonderful - she is so beautiful, it makes me all weepy and deeply happy! Love you guys!

  2. She's gorgeous! Congrats you two! I was hoping Andy would also post pictures of his life on here (although the writing thus far has been wonderful too!). But I must admit that even the words from the best of writers have trouble competing with adorable baby pictures :)

  3. Hi Andy. I'd love a couple of these photos to show to friends. I love the picture of your arms holding her. A very safe place.

    Congrats to both of you. Hope you are loving parenthood.

    We drove through Iowa yesterday. Had lunch with Jim and Wayne. I still love IG!
